Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Update

Thanks for praying, the appointment went well today (see previous post for details).  I cannot say enough how wonderful every hospital staff person has been to us, it has made such a great difference.  If you are a medical worker, I want to commend you for the work you do and tell you how much your smile, kindness and encouragement mean to your patients.

Okay, the procedure was quick and there were no surprises.  (The only surprise we wanted was for the cancer to be gone...).  The cancer is 10 centimeters long and they did find one lymph node that was cancerous, but it was close to the tumor so we are told that is good (?).  They label Dave's cancer as T3N1Mx for those of you that know what that means.

So we've made it through one more procedure (oh and the hospital didn't even ask for any $, they just said, "Do you want us to send you a bill?"  Dave said "No" ) They will bill us and so it will begin.  We are continuing to trust and rest in our wonderful Savior.  Thanks for praying, please don't stop.

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More Questions Than Answers

On January 1, I shared that I felt by this point in my life I would have "more answers than questions." I also confessed that fe...