Okay, nothing is packed, but I had to blog quick like so you wouldn't know how late I was up. It has been a whirlwind of a day. I wish I could be so productive every day! Well, no I don't I'd be really exhausted then. In fact in the middle of the day today, I pulled up to a stop sign and waited for a green light. Fortunately, I figured it out before there was a line of angry cars behind me...or angry people in cars?
I can't begin to express the supernatural joy-filled day we had today. (Probably can't express it since I can't remember most of it, so here are two highlights.)
So my friend Michelle and I try to get together and pray for our husbands a few times a month, she called and asked if we could meet today so she could pray for me. Yes please! She was very patient as I changed plans a few times. I show up at church and lo and behold, her she comes marching up the sidewalk with her posse. The little sneak gathered together a few of my friends to surprise me, what is it with you guys surprising me? : ) They showered me with gifts and love and then handed me a small bag with lots of names written on the outside. These gals went in together and bought me a Kindle Touch! (Seriously, I don't even know what it is, but I'm just going to act like it's super cool right now, since I know this is the right reaction and I'll figure it out later) What I know though is that I can access the internet at hot spots (not like Tahiti, Shari) and read about 4,124 books. This was amazingly generous and I am completely unworthy. I was overwhelmed and tearful. I really do understand the sacrifice my friends went through to do this for me and I am humbly, eternally grateful. However, the next part was over the top. They gathered around me, placed their loving hands on me and prayed for Dave, the kids and for me. This just caused my heart to soar. Thank you ladies, I can't express the depth of my gratitude and clear vision of Jesus I witnessed through you all. (including those that couldn't be there!)
The next highlight was tonight at 6:30. Our Pastor sent a shout out to our Pastors and Elders to meet at church tonight to pray for us. These men and a couple of their wives gathered around Dave, Julia, Daniel and myself and placed their loving hands on us and prayed. Again I was overwhelmed at the beauty of the body of Christ in action. I'm doubly blessed. I have an incredible "biological family", godly parents, brothers, sisters (including in-laws) and extended family of 3 generations. We have a second family too though. It is our church family and we love them so much. Thank you for taking the time to pray with us.
Okay, seriously, I have got to work on getting to bed, so here is today's verse:
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble;
and He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7
and He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7
Right there in that verse it says God is good and we have trouble, they do co-exist! Not all the time fortunately. This life is no walk in the park, unless maybe it's Central Park in NY : ) You never know which way the Lord will lead, but He will lead and He knows those who trust in Him. What sweet comfort. Thank you, all of you for your prayers. We definitely feel them and have great peace. I'll try to update tomorrow after surgery/recovery, which should be after noon. I'll be the cool one using my New Kindle Touch to blog! Love you all ~