Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Days!

Okay, we are on the countdown (...still, but at a cool number).  I can see the concern in Dave growing as we get closer to the surgery, so I'm going to try to post a verse every day for the next 10 days.  Today's verse:

The heaven's are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.   Psalm 19:1

I heard this verse today and it reminded me of the Sovereignty of God.  God's creation tells of His glory, He doesn't need us to boast in Him, His own creation does that itself!  However, He does give us a voice and an opportunity to tell of how great He is.  And He has been great in our lives.  Dave is still feeling the effects of the radiation and chemo, but has been a stellar patient.  He continues to work hard, help the kids with their homework, do the dishes and so much more.  Ten Days until surgery, ten days to sing God's praise for what He has done and what He will do.  Go God! : )

1 comment:

  1. Had a wonderful time with your husband tonight, right before the creation service. He shared where he's at right now (what a transparent heart) and I had the opportunity to pray for him. Had to dry my eyes afterwards.

    Remember, as Dr Mitchell said tonight, we live in a fallen world because of sin, but, as you mentioned with Job, God knows right where we are and will provide what we NEED.

    Hangeth thou in there. The end of this road is oh so much closer than the beginning. It just seems to have a steeper grade to it in some places.

    Love you guys.


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