Saturday, March 7, 2015

The 40 Day Journey - Day 15 (Bloopers 2.0)

(Okay, so I don't really have bloopers this time either! But I felt like I needed to let you know the "insider's" scoop on what God is revealing to me, here we go.)

This has been quite the journey.  It is overwhelming to think about these last two weeks and all the things the Lord has shown me and taught me.  I need you to know something though.  I am not special.  I don't have a direct line to God that is accessible for a select few.

Yes, I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  Yes, God knew all about me before He crafted me together in my mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Yes, God is at work in me (Philippians 1:6). But this is true of you too. And true of millions of others...doesn't sound like we are very unique.

However, Moses got a burning bush.  Balaam had a talking donkey.  Jonah was in a great fish.  Saul was struck blind.  Job had sore boils from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.  Paul had a thorn in his flesh. I have a blog.  These are pretty unique ways for God to reveal Himself to His people.

The common thread?  God speaks to His children, to all of us (John 10:27). The way He reveals Himself is almost always different.  I have heard stories of God speaking through nature multiple times: a sand dollar, a sunset, a stream, a mountain, the rain, the get the idea.

What I am trying to say, is that God wants to talk with you too.  In fact I believe He is already talking...maybe we just don't always listen.  I am famous for letting my mind wander as my kids tell me a story, all of a sudden I realize they are still talking and I haven't heard a word they have said. I think we are like that with God sometimes.  He is talking, but our minds are in multiple other places.

I was thinking about that torn dollar from yesterday, (Day 14) it was almost a shout from God confirming the truth of what He was teaching me.  It was so specific and so clear. However, if I hadn't been listening to Him, I would have thought that dollar bill was trash.

I can't begin to understand God's ways, or why He would go to great lengths to love us and speak with us, but He does.  While I don't think I am special, I do think that God made me a certain way. For some reason when I blog I can discern His voice.  However, this probably isn't true for most of you.  So how does God speak to you?  I think as you begin to listen, to look around, to ask Him to speak to you, you will hear Him.  As you practice this spiritual exercise, His voice will become clearer and louder.

I found this quote, it says: We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention.  (Lysa Terkheurst)

So will you "pay attention" these next few days?  Take notice of your surroundings.  Ask Him what He is saying to you.  Spend some time in the Bible or listen to Christian music or go to church. God in His uniqueness and creative ways will be speaking to you.  I hope you can listen and hear His voice, because that is truly special.

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