Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why We Doubt

Why do we doubt?  More specifically, why do we doubt God?  Recently I have found myself in a place of unbelief.  Not an unbelief in God, I don't know if I could ever fully reject Him.  He has proven Himself too many times in my life for me to think He does not exist.  I feel myself becoming skeptical though, a little like Thomas. "I will not believe unless I see it for myself", I boast.  I want to see His hand at work, it is not enough to have His presence alone. (wrong!)

I am guessing that some of you have struggled with your own doubts.  I am naturally a "glass half full" girl, so when the darkness of doubt rolls in like the fog from the sea, it shakes me a bit.  What do I truly believe? 

Here is what I think.  I think we struggle with unbelief, I struggle...because of fear.  The opposite of unbelief is ...yes, belief.  Belief is defined as "confidence, faith, trust".  Why do we choose not to have confidence or faith in God?  I think the only answer is fear.  

I know some of you fear God's punishment, believing Him to be harsh. Some of you fear being "found out", as if we could hide from God (yes, Adam and Eve already tried that one).  Some fear the unknown.  You know what I struggle with sometimes?  I fear being over looked by God. Crazy, I know.  Completely not biblical or true.  But that is how fear works, it feeds you a lie and you choose to believe it.

And there it is.  We believe a lie instead of God.  The result: unbelief in the One that can be believed, doubting His character.

If you are in a place of doubt, I challenge you (beg you) to ask God what lie you are choosing to believe. The lie I have believed?  That Christ is not enough.  That somehow to be "whole" or "complete" I need something of this world to fulfill me.  

We sang a song in church this weekend with a line that says, "I lift my hands to believe again...You are faithful God forever".  So I choose to lift my hands, to believe again, to not fear. Not to believe the lie, but to believe God.  And there goes the doubt, fear being replaced with faith. He is always at work in my life even when I cannot see it, this I know is true.  This I believe.


  1. What is the verse - perfect love casts out fear - ?

    I need to look up the reference and the context. Thank you for sharing some of your heart and also reminding us to ask God what lies we are believing. I realized I have a strong lack of belief in a certain area in my life. Interesting to think what God wants to do with it. Love you, friend!

    1. Great verse Kathy, 1 John 4:18. The first part of that verse says, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear....". Such great TRUTH, thank you! <3

  2. This was in my devotional yesterday - (read this to yourself or have someone read it to you was the instruction):

    Remember who you are. You are a Jesus girl. You are NOT a failure. You are NOT incapable. You are NOT a loser. You are NONE of these things. You are a Jesus girl capable of VICTORY. You are absolutely capable of being empowered. God loves you - head to tow. Remember who you are.

    Lysa Terkeurst

  3. I was listening to David Jeremiah on my way to work. He was preaching on Psalm 73 “Why Good Things Happen to Bad People.”

    He said, “Someone once said that there is more faith in an honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.”

    I don’t know if it makes sense out of context, but it made a lot of sense in his sermon. Anyway, it made me think of this blog post. :)


More Questions Than Answers

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