He's lost lots of energy, has frequent headaches, this cold weather has his neuropathy on high alert and he lost part of both eyebrows. Yup, you heard me right. It looks like matching bald spots on the crest of his eyebrows. He shaved down what was left since it was quite the fashion statement and he's not into being trendy.
Food also isn't tasting great (since he can't have anything yummy that is no surprise...). I think he's hit the "rut". We are post-diagnosis, post-surgery, post-the-newness-of-chemo and pre-what's next? And feeling pretty awful in the in-between time.
We have started communication up again with Dr. Klatt's office (Dave's surgeon who was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer). He is still set on doing Dave's surgery. We keep calling back and forth and don't have a date yet, but Dave should have a colonoscopy in a few weeks, then surgery another month later or so.
I think I said this before surgery when we were just doing "nothing" after chemo and radiation. This in-between time seems the hardest. Other times you have the distractions of treatments/doctor visits/etc. Now though you just wait.
Round 8, the final round, is next Tuesday. On Thursday, May 10, Dave will be completely finished with chemo! This is definitely reason to celebrate, but it is making Dave slightly crazy. He is pretty worried how he'll do since this last time was so hard. We are almost there though, the finish line is around the corner...maybe somebody needs to throw a cup of cold water in his face to refresh him for the last leg of this race...wait don't do that, unless it is room temperature water, cold hurts....
I'll update again next week ~ take care and eat more fiber!
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