I'd be remiss if I didn't inform you that colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. But, it is one of the easiest cancers to detect at an early stage, which greatly improves the chance of a cure. If you want to "help" us, then go get a colonoscopy! We have a storybook ending to a scary chapter of our lives. I don't know why God chose to give us a second chance, but He has. I think I will remain a "blogger" a little bit longer since we'll continue to deal with this for at least 5 more years. Maybe in that time God will reveal why this has been part of our journey or maybe He won't. I just don't want to miss anything He has for us.
The blue ribbon above represent colorectal cancer (Dave said it should be brown, Julia says that's disgusting! So go the conversations in our house...). I'm thrilled we get to attach "survivor" to that symbol. God has revealed so much of Himself to us, I wish I could give Him a name (like Hagar did, "You are a God who sees" in Genesis 16), but that name would be too long for this blog! He has been the one Constant in this turbulent year. Steady. Strong. Present. Trustworthy. Good.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, I can't say it enough...we couldn't have weathered this year without you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!